Where you’re at…
You are an addict! You are addicted to something that has complete control over your life; whether it’s cigarettes, drugs, alcohol, gambling, food, sex, pornography or indeed something else. You want to be rid. You want to be free. You want to be back in control of your life. You may be deeply troubled by the potential health impact and/or the ongoing financial burden. You no longer want to be a victim. You don’t want to continue as a slave to your addiction and you have decided the time to quit is NOW!
The problems you have right now…
Being plagued with an addiction will be affecting many aspects of your life, including:
- your confidence levels
- your relationships with your partner, your children, your parents, your work colleagues
- your ability to function at your best at home and at work
- you are likely to be extremely worried about the health impact including the numerous cancers that have been attributed to smoking
- you may be finding the financial burden of feeding your habit crippling
What you need help with right now…
It’s very likely you have tried to give up before and failed. It’s just as likely for you to have failed just as many times as you’ve tried to quit.
What would help you right now, is to understand the feelings that are keeping you stuck. It’s likely that you will have feelings of anxiety, lack of confidence, low self-esteem, low self-worth, and it would be useful to explore these as your addiction may simply be an emotional crutch you have become dependent on.
Right now, I want to separate Stop Smoking from other addictions.
Other addictions including use of drugs, gambling, food, sex and pornography, are likely to require work with you and your subconscious mind in order to establish the root cause of the problem. All these addictions started somewhere with a reason or cause.
Stop Smoking, often referred to as Smoking Cessation, is a ‘doddle’ if you go about it the right way. If you go about it the right way, then you can easily become a Non-Smoker in a single session. Curious? Want to know more? If it’s ‘packing in the fags’ you’re looking for scroll to the bottom of this page now.
How can the ‘Beat Your Addiction And Win Back Your Life’ package help you?
For ‘other’ addictions, I will have already explained at the Taster Session, how the mind works and how the conscious and subconscious minds work together; and how things that get ‘stuck’ in our subconscious mind can have a significant effect on our adult life right now. I will have also explained hypnosis and how hypnosis works to allow you to access your subconscious mind; and I will have explained how positive changes can occur in your subconscious mind, to enable you to live the life you want to live, right now.
The ‘Beat Your Addiction And Win Back Your Life’ package will differ depending on the nature of the addiction. For these ‘other’ addictions we will start with a consultation to understand where you are now and what you would like to achieve. It will be important for us to ‘calibrate’ your current feelings so that we can measure the progress you and your subconscious mind make. Each 90-minute session will include a hypnosis session specifically tailored to your needs.
For these ‘other’ addictions, early in the course of treatment I may be using Hypnoanalysis techniques which will allow your subconscious mind to identify events in your life that have contributed to the problem in some way (a bit like peeling back the layers of an onion). Having identified at which ages of your life, events have occurred that have contributed to the feelings that perpetuate the addiction, we will then allow your subconscious mind to show you anything you need to see to help you resolve it.
Once your subconscious mind has indicated there is nothing else that requires resolving, all that remains is to boost your confidence and self-esteem using suggestion therapy, which will allow you to give yourself permission to let go of the addiction. We will firmly plant and anchor feelings of self-worth and self-confidence to remain addiction free.
The way you feel will be transformed.
Smoking Cessation
There are six important steps to you becoming and remaining a non-smoker.
- You must take full emotional responsibility for you becoming a non-smoker. You must recognise and acknowledge that it is your need and want to become a non-smoker that will lead to success.
- You might find it helpful to identify all the negative aspects of remaining a smoker and all the positive benefits of becoming a non-smoker.
- You need to understand beyond any doubt that smoking is primarily a psychological condition and I will help you by explaining this at your Smoking Cessation session.
- You need to understand that once you have decided that you are a non-smoker you become one with immediate effect. Once you stop, that’s it, you stop… and you are a non-smoker.
- You no longer need to fear intrusive thoughts now you are a non-smoker and you understand that thoughts cannot harm you.
- You embrace the joy of now being a non-smoker and you tell everyone how easy it was for you to stop.
Ask yourself… Am I 10/10 ready to become a non-smoker?
If the answer is “Yes!”, please complete the online form below to apply for a short 20min Discovery Call with me for you to convince me you are ready to become a Non-Smoker:
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