Where you’re at…
Loss and Grief come in many forms, whether that is the death of a loved one, terminal illness, the loss of a job position or income, children leaving home (also known as empty nest syndrome), life changes and upheavals such as divorce, moving home or retirement, pets dying or running away, or any other type of loss.
The way Grief affects you depends on lots of things, including what kind of loss you have suffered, your upbringing, your beliefs or religion, your age, your relationships, and your physical and mental health. You may be experiencing anxiety, helplessness, anger and sadness.
The problems you have right now…
People react in different ways to loss. Anxiety and helplessness often come first. Anger is also common, including feeling angry at someone who has died for “leaving you behind”. Sadness often comes later.
Feelings like these are a natural part of the grieving process. Knowing that they are common may help them seem more normal. It’s also important to know that they will pass.
Some people take a lot longer than others to recover. Some need help from a counsellor or therapist or their GP.
But you will eventually come to terms with your loss, and the intense feelings will subside.
What you need help with right now…
There’s no instant fix. You might feel affected every day for about a year to 18 months after a major loss. But after this time the grief is less likely to be at the forefront of your mind.
There are practical things you can do to get through a time of bereavement or loss:
- Express yourself. Talking is often a good way to soothe painful emotions. Talking to a friend, family member, health professional, counsellor or hypnotherapist can begin the healing process.
- Allow yourself to feel sad. It’s a healthy part of the grieving process.
- Keep your routine up. Keeping up simple things like walking the dog can help.
- Sleep. Emotional strain can make you very tired. If you’re having trouble sleeping, see your GP or a hypnotherapist.
- Eat healthily. A healthy, well-balanced diet will help you cope.
- Avoid things that “numb” the pain, such as alcohol. It will make you feel worse once the numbness wears off.
- Go to counselling or hypnotherapy if it feels right for you – but perhaps not straight away. Counselling or Hypnotherapy may be more useful after a couple of weeks or months. Only you will know when you’re ready.
How can the ‘Come To Terms With Separation, Loss and Grief’ package help you?
I will have already explained at the Taster Session, how the mind works and how the conscious and subconscious minds work together. I will have also explained hypnosis and how hypnosis works to allow you to access your subconscious mind; and I will have explained how positive changes can occur in your subconscious mind, to enable you to live the life you want to live, right now.
The ‘Come To Terms With Separation, Loss and Grief’ package will start with a consultation to understand where you are now and what you would like to achieve. It will be important for us to ‘calibrate’ your current feelings so that we can measure the progress you and your subconscious mind make. Each 90-minute session will include a hypnosis session specifically tailored to your needs.
Hypnosis can gently help you come through a time of grief in various ways; it can:
- help you find some times of peace where you can rest from your grief,
- reduce the unbearable intensity of your grief,
- help you look after yourself with compassion,
- organise your grief so that you can grieve at your own pace but not all the time,
- find a place for grief in your life which doesn’t overwhelm you,
- reconnect with the positive memories of the person you have lost,
- enjoy your memories without them being so charged with painful feelings,
- allow you to access a feeling of calm and strength,
- help you to move on with your life without feeling guilty,
- empower you to get things done.
Grieving is a process, not a permanent state, and we need to go through this process. With these hypnotherapy sessions, the process will become less fraught with stress and tension and a more a time of appreciation and love.
When you start to feel the grief lift and be replaced with feelings of peace and love, you will be glad you tried hypnosis for your loss and grief.
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